Fixation on Histology

Save Time and Get What You Need with FUSE Search!


Organizations like NSH, ASCP, and CAP are all dedicated to helping laboratorians advance their careers and make a positive impact on patient care by providing training and resources. But finding resources can be tricky, there is so much and so many places to look that it can be difficult to sift through everything in a timely way.  This is especially true because when you go from a main site like to another digital property, like, you are going to a totally unique website, with its own search and library of content. So why does that matter to you?  Because when you are in a hurry and looking for help or a resource you don’t want to go to multiple websites, search, and then compare results.  You want to search one time and get the best histotechnology results.  This is why NSH is excited to launch FUSE search.  FUSE search brings you results from all of our digital properties like The Block, eLearn, and Fixation on Histology – in one place, in one search. 

We launched FUSE search just this month, so if you have searched our site in the past, we encourage you to see the difference.  If you type in your search terms today you will get results from nearly everything we offer – with the option to filter by type, date, and content home.  The best part, these are histotechnology resources – by histotechs.  Start searching today and get what you need. 




12-10-2023 08:48

Looking forward to the launch of FUSE!  Sounds like it will be a very helpful tool for histology resources.  

12-08-2023 14:50

This sounds like a great resource, looking forward to its launch!