Art of the Stain Voting

Vote For Your Favorite Stain!

In celebration of Histology Professionals Day (HPD) on March 10, NSH hosted its annual Art of the Stain Contest.

All submissions have been collected and you can now cast your vote for your favorite stain until March 20. One vote per person.

The winning stain will be incorporated into our 2025 logo.

Cast Your Vote

Viewing Hint - right click on the image & select open image in new tab to view full size version.


Stain: H&E
Tissue: Skin
Additional Information: Horizontal section of scalp biopsy for alopecia


Stain: Picrosirius Red with Polarization
Tissue: Alligator Skin
Additional Information: This is a stain that enhances the natural birefringence of collagen. When viewed with polarization, collagen becomes red, orange, yellow, or green. Osteoderms are discs of bone that form in the dermis of the dorsal scales in alligators.


Stain: H&E
Tissue: Frozen Bladder


Stain: Masson's Trichrome
Tissue: Rabbit Corpora 


Stain: IHC Double Stain
Tissue: Prostate
Additional Information: Original magnification X 400


Stain: Wright
Tissue: PM
Additional Information: Polycythemia patient and due to thick the blood was this smear has been done after understanding the nature of the blood and after troubleshooting 


Stain: Oil Red O
Tissue: Liver


Stain: Wet Mount
Tissue: Synovial Fluid
Additional Information: We use different angles, and we see differently—a matter of perspectives


Stain: Luxol Fast Blue
Tissue: Spinal Cord


Stain: Psuedocolor, Methylene Blue
Tissue: Fish Gill


Stain: H&E
Tissue: Bone in Mouse


Stain: Methylene Blue
Tissue: Fish Gill

Stain: GMS-F (left) & PAS-F (right)
Tissue: Hilum of lymph node in lung with hyaline cartilage 
Additional Information: The stains are from the same tissue, different sections, stained separately


Stain: H&E
Tissue: Small Intestines
Additional Information: Angry Intestine


Stain: H&E
Tissue: Human Gut

Stain: Colloidal Iron 
Tissue: Colon

Stain: Movats
Tissue: Mouse Intestines

Stain: Safranin O
Tissue: Garlic

Stain: Hematoxylin/Safranin O/Aniline Blue
Tissue: Peace Lilly

Stain: Alcian Blue-Pas
Tissue: Small Intestine

Stain: H&E
Tissue: Coral


Stain: Vimentin IHC 
Tissue: Small Intestine

Stain: H&E
Tissue: Goat Louse


Stain: Masson Trichrome
Tissue: Derm, Bening Cyst Wall with Infiltration
Additional Information: Performed on Dako Artisan
Stain: Verhoffs Van Gieson Elastic 
Tissue: Skin
Additional Information: Beautiful representation of hair follicle
Stain: Masson Trichrome
Tissue: Kidney

Stain: H&E
Tissue: Ovarian Cyst
Additional Information: Angry Armadillo
Stain: GMS
Tissue: Dermatology

Stain: H&E  
Tissue: Biopsies
Additional Information: HE
Stain: Immunohistochemistry
Tissue: Hamartomatous polyp associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS)
Additional Information: Actin (Ventana)
Stain: H&E
Tissue: Prostate
Additional Information: I just love the little Jack Skellington looking face in the middle
Stain: Giemsa
Tissue: Chicken Leg Bone