Fixation on Histology

CAP Inspection Quick Tip: Let’s talk about CAP Activity Menus!

Cap InspectionIt is extremely important to make sure your CAP Activity Menu is accurate and up to date. CAP standard COM.01200 related to Activity Menu states “The laboratory’s current CAP Activity Menu accurately reflects the testing performed.”  It is crucial to make sure that your activity menu is accurate prior  to your CAP inspection.

I recommend as a best practice, that you review the accuracy of your activity menu when your Laboratory Director or Medical Director are completing the CAP application.  This way if you notice a discrepancy, you can update any activity menu items before your CAP inspection.

When inspecting, I am surprised to see how many CAP activity menus are inaccurate. When there is a discrepancy between the activity menu and the testing performed in your lab, you most likely will be cited with a Phase 1 deficiency.

Written by Nicole Leon, HTL(ASCP)

