NSH Retired Membership

NSH Retired Membership

Histology retirees can retain their member benefits and remain connected to the NSH community. Knowledge sharing does not have to end when you retire. Stay connected with the NSH community and continue to receive access to publications and newsletters. Continue to share your expertise with those who are entering into the field of histology or who are looking for someone to help them solve a problem they are encountering at work. Remain in touch by taking advantage of discounts to attend NSH events.

Retired members receive the same benefits as Core Education Membership.

NSH Retired Members

Who Qualifies?

Retired membership is open to anyone who has been a continuous member of NSH for the past five (5) years and who has fully retired from their professional life in a paid capacity.

Retired Membership: $40/yr

Members who qualify for retired membership status must send a request by email to histo@nsh.org or call (443) 535-4060 to switch their status.  

NSH Retired Membership Testimonial
NSH Retired Members