Fixation on Histology

COVID-19 NSH Histology Survey Results


On May 11, 2020 NSH published a survey to our histology community asking them to answer a few questions, to help us gauge the impact that COVID has had on their workload. When we closed the survey on May 22nd, we had received 704 responses from members and non-members alike; from the United States and abroad. Below are some of the key findings from this survey.


Have you personally experienced a job loss due to the impact of COVID-19 on the economy? Slightly more than half of the respondents, 51% had no change in their employment. 31% are experiencing reduced work such as rotating shifts, mandatory vacation time, or cut hours, and 16.5% have lost their job or been furloughed.

With 704 respondents, the numbers reported for each region are relatively low*, and may not be representative of the region as a whole, however there are some noticeable differences between different regions in the survey results. Regions V and IV for example, had higher levels of reduced work, and less people reporting no change. Regions VI and VIII meanwhile, reported higher levels of no change.

*115 respondents from Region I, 88 from Region II

*93 respondents from Region III, 109 from Region IV

*58 respondents from Region V, 57 from Region VI

*47 respondents from Region VII, 62 from Region VIII

26 respondents from Region IX , 19 international

In addition to location of those furloughed, we also looked at their position. Technician/Scientists made up 61% of those surveyed, therefore they are the majority in every category of job situation, however we can see in these graphs that Lab Managers (purple in the graph), were much more likely to have had no change. Supervisors (dark blue in the graph) were less likely to be furloughed or laid off, but many are seeing reduced work.


The survey also looked at area of practice. Employees at community hospitals made up the largest percentage of respondents at 45%, with private lab being the second highest at 25%. Those at private labs were less likely to have experienced no change, with many being furloughed. A large number of community hospital workers had experienced reduced work. Industries like research and pharma were more likely to see no change.

How has COVID-19 impacted your ability to travel to business-related conferences? This question was pretty evenly split, but worth noting that only 11% indicated that there had been no impact at all. Most had some type of restriction on their travel. The second iteration of the survey digs deeper into this question to determine whether restrictions are being placed by the employer, the individual or the individual's home state.


